The Sunday Times Top Primary Schools in UK 2023 We are delighted to have been awarded 7th best school in the South West Region and 138th Nationally.


Summer Term 1 2023/2024

Week 7
What a fantastic last week of term we have had!  We all really enjoyed our REACH treat of a summer garden party. Everybody had some very impressive dance moves during musical statues, and we even saw a play arranged by some of the children. What a fantastic display of confidence!
This week, we also worked on using descriptive vocabulary. There has certainly been a lot of reading going on in Year 3, the children were able to think of some astounding adjectives!
In Maths, we continue to look at units of measurement and capacity, looking at kilograms and grams. We did an interesting investigation into what weighs more, a kilogram of rocks or a kilogram of pencils. We were fascinated by the result!
Week 4
What an exciting week it has been in St. Patrick's class! We have all enjoyed continuing our learning on the Romans, working out reasons why the Roman Empire came to an end, as well as what happened when the Romans invaded England. The children of Year 3 are full of so much confidence and resilience, they all felt that they, as Celts, could defend their land against the Romans.
We grew in our faith this week, with Mrs Barron taking year 3 for an RE lesson about Mary. We drew our own pictures of her, and discussed where we see her image around our school.
We had a great time in Music, learning the song Three Little Birds by Bob Marley. We have some very confident singers in our class and are looking forward to introducing musical instruments to our piece in the coming weeks.
Week 3
What a busy week we have had in St. Patrick's class! We have continued to look at time in maths, reading from an analogue clock in times both past and to the hour. The children have certainly been very resilient in doing this! We have also written some fantastic retells of Rhodopis: An Egyptian Cinderella. I am so excited to read the children's own versions next week.
We enjoyed the sunshine on Friday and went out on the field to practice our cricket skills. We had high expectations for ourselves as we batted and bowled using the correct form.
In Science we did our first light experiment. It was fascinating what happened when we shone the torch on a mirror. You can see what happened in the pictures for this week!
Week 2
This week the children enjoyed a visit from a PCSO on how to keep us safe and recognise bad emptions. We all worked on our empathy skills! We are also beginning our literacy journey on traditional tales (a topic we are returning to). We are examining the story of Rhodopis: An Egyptian Cinderella. 
In art, we have been practicing drawing the human form. Our skills certainly improved after we had used a template to model our outlines. The children enjoyed revising and editing their work, and tried hard to be the best they can be. In RE we began looking at the story of the ascension, which raised some very interesting questions! The children thought carefully about what the story means to us, growing in their faith.
We also drew some fantastic pictures of a Roman town. See below for some examples!
Week 1
The children have bounced into the summer term with high expectations and a joy for learning. We have continued looking at newspaper reports, and are becoming excellent journalists ourselves! In maths we are returning to fractions by finding fractions of an amount. It's a great way to demonstrate how much our times tables knowledge has improved!
 We had a fantastic time joining Year 4 for gardening this week, and even managed to pick some tulips to sell! What a brilliant start to the term!