The Sunday Times Top Primary Schools in UK 2023 We are delighted to have been awarded 7th best school in the South West Region and 138th Nationally.


Summer 1 2023-2024

Summer Week 5


In maths we have been adding and subtracting fractions.  Some days it was hard but we believed in ourselves and each other because that’s the school we are! We started fractions on Tuesday, we have really enjoyed doing fractions because our teacher make it really fun.


This week we have been looking at scriptures that include Faith, Hope, Love (our Virtues) and the CST value of Solidarity. 


We have been writing informal letters, using contractions and a variety of conjunctions.  It has been a lot of fun writing these letters.


We have been learning about the River Severn and this week we made a factfile about it. Did you know the River Severn’s source in the Welsh Mountains and the feeds into the Bristol Channel.


We are continuing to do our PE lessons with Olly and Stef and Mrs Daly, we are doing tennis, and having a lot of fun working in pairs. We are improving our tennis skills which is great.

Special Visitor

During our REACH time we had very special visitors that came in.  John, a volunteer from the charity, Louise and her hearing dog Bella.  Louise is deaf and needs a hearing dog, so we needs Bella to wake her up in the morning, let her know if the door bell rings, Bella can even recognise fire alarms!

Written by Olive, Isabelle and Ellianna

Summer 1, Week 4  

This week we have been doing decimals in Maths.  It has been really fun, but sometimes we have had to be very resilient because it got a little bit hard. We one and two digit numbers by 10 and 100, meaning we have decimal place value.

In RE we have been focusing on ascension of Jesus.  It has been a great part of the week that we have greatly enjoyed, we have been writing ascension faith and hope based poems and prayers. It was so fun!

We have also been doing Art. In Art we have been creating a house based on the work of Antoni Gaudi and Zaha Hadid.  Mrs Daly helped us with a drawing of a basic modern house last week, which we then uplevelled for this week’s challenge with Mrs Barron.  It was a fun and extraordinary lesson. It has been an amazing unit so far.

This week we have gone to Mass with Father Phillip.  We focused on Saint Athanasius, and Father Phillip taught us about his goodness, and determination to strive for truth, even when it meant being disliked and even exiled. It reminded us of the importance of telling the truth because Saint Athanasius was so good.

We have been developing out skills in tennis in this week with Olly and Stef, playing battleships with cones, trying to hit the other person’s cones to develop our aim.

In music we have been practicing songs with our glockenspiels.  We learnt about pitch and rhythm. Rhythm is when you have a range of long and short notes put together.  Pitch is the range of notes – high and low. We have been playing songs using the notes C, D, E and F. We all showed a lot of resilience as the song was fast.  There is a fun quiz at the end of the lesson, and we keep scoring 100%.  It was an amazing lesson and we really enjoyed it.

In Geography we created a case study of the River Severn ready for creating a fact file on it next week.

By Hebe, Millie and Emilia

Week 3

In maths we have been doing greater than and less than to compare decimal places, ”you have been doing very well” said our teacher (Mrs Daly). We have also been doing decimal places and ordering them.

In literacy we have been learning about features of informal letters, so far we have done two letters one about a girl who wants to be a writer and one about a girl called Sabrina. 

In our RE lessons we painted a watercolour of the ascension of Jesus. Then explained what our paintings represented.

This week I enjoyed maths because I love decimals (less than and greater than). I also enjoyed RE, this is because we painted the ascension of Jesus to Heaven and it was fun even the writing.

I enjoyed literacy as well because we are doing actions for a text and then writing it. 

In geography we continued our learning on Rivers and researched the different parts of the River Severn. 

PE this week has been learning how to bowl in cricket.

By Finlay, Edward and Oliver

Week 1 and Week 2

What a busy first 2 weeks back we have had since returning from our Easter break.

In Maths we have been learning to represent a number with 2 decimal places, counting up and down in hundredths and dividing a one digit number by 100.

We have really enjoyed building our confidence doing narrative poems, because there are lots of rhyming words and ambitious vocabulary words to change using a thesaurus.  

We have been feeling aspirational through extraordinary and incredible work back outside gardening with Mrs Daly.  We have been working hard on weeding the beds ready for planting and trimming bed edges. We have enjoyed preparing and selling our tulips to raise funds for the garden.

In Science we did an experiment where we melted wax crayon into a liquid, allowed them to cool, creating a new multi-coloured crayon.

We have had great fun learning about cricket, and enjoying having Olly and Stef back for the lessons.

We enjoyed our visit from the PCSOs, learning about staying safe when outside of our home.