The Sunday Times Top Primary Schools in UK 2023 We are delighted to have been awarded 7th best school in the South West Region and 138th Nationally.


Autumn 1 (2024-2025)

Week 5!

We have had a really exciting week with our outdoor learning environment being updated. We have been confidently creating in the mud and potion kitchens.   We have showed resilience with our den building and construction areas and we have been putting on aspirational performances for Mrs Daly, Mrs Piper and Mrs Frankcom – we even have even had Mrs Howells and Ms Gardiner getting tickets to watch us.  Thank you Mr Barron for working so hard to create us such a fun and creative space to perform on.

Through RE we have been looking at the virtues of love and faith and how the creation story brings us all together as one church family.

Thank you to our first mystery reader, Mrs Beaven, we loved having you visit our classroom for a story!

Our high expectations continue to see us show casing our phonics in super sentences.  Keep being resilient with that tripod grip St. Mary’s Class.

Finally, we have had a brilliant buddy time making magical maths wands for our number work and counting.

If you wish to extend your child’s learning, our super sentences and cations this week has been:

Reading: Nip to the tip.  rat on a sack

Writing: Pack a sack.       Sit in mud.          Kick it.

Week 4

Unbelievably, we are half way through our very first term of school and the children continue to REACH in all they do.

This week, the children were superstars as we attended our first mass being the best we could be, a whole school Mass, celebrating name days, talking about how Mary and Joseph demonstrated our virtues of Faith, Hope and Love

We have been continuing our amazing learning with confidence in Outdoor Learning on a nature hunt and creating some inventive and aspirational designs with our geo-sticks.

We have been loving one another during our buddy time. We have been resilient in our Maths when spotting different arrays of 5.

Finally, we have really enjoyed celebrating International Languages Day by listening to 2 stories in another language.

Week 3

Another incredible week of our Super St. Mary’s class REACHing in all they do, especially with their resilience as they are now in for full days. What a joy it is to be teaching your children.

The children continue to love their time with their Y6 buddies, and we are delighted to say that Y6 will continue to have their lunch on a Friday with St. Mary’s Class.

This week we have continued focusing our mathematics on the number 5, and have created some aspirational cube cities in our provision.

We have blown Mrs Daly and Mrs Piper away with our high expectations on our writing, developing our confidence with our tripod grip and already reading and writing s a t p i n m d! Wow! What superstars!

We have been showcasing our confidence in the Creation Story by creating creation scenes in the small world area, on the tinkering table, through collage and drawings.

With empathy the children shared the beautiful ways that people light up their world in our class prayers.

Week 2

St. Mary’s Class have been so busy this week with aspirational learning! The children have been sharing their counting with confidence, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and knowing what one more than would be. We have also been learning our first 4 letters and sounds (s a t p), and showing resilience with their tripod grips! Well done St. Mary’s Class.

We have been continuing our super scissor work and creating fantastic fuzzy face monsters, with different expressions and some with up to 5 eyes! We have also been focusing on empathy as we have created these faces with different emotions and talking about what these feelings feel like.

We have continued to explore the classroom environment creating groups of 5 on our tinkering table, and Mathematics area.

We have been demonstrating amazingly high expectations through our whole school assemblies, as we move around the school, enjoying lunchtimes in the hall and by just being the best we can be!

Finally, much to the Year 6’s delight, we have met, and enjoyed lunch with our Year 6 buddies. We have had great fun getting to know them, and we are excited for you to see our future projects together over the coming year.

My First Day in St. Mary’s Class at St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School

Wow!!! What superstars our St. Mary’s class are. Already REACHing in all they do, and it’s only been their first day.  Lots of children have been earning marbles for marvellous manner manners, limitless learning, super sitting and lovely listening. 

The children have been showcasing their confidence as they explore their classroom environment, and demonstrating high expectations as they moved around the school on a whole school tour.  We even went into Mrs Howells and Mrs Guoite’s Office to see where they work and are excited to be going in there over the coming months to show off our learning.

We have blown Mrs Daly away with our super handwriting, completing our first piece of work in our Purple Books and have started sharing our Teddy Bear Summer Adventure Passports.