The Sunday Times Top Primary Schools in UK 2023 We are delighted to have been awarded 7th best school in the South West Region and 138th Nationally.


Autumn 1 2024

Week beginning 9th September
Blog written by Year 5
We have had such a busy first week back!
In Science, we started our topic about Space. We were introduced to our Solar System and learned all the names of the planets. We also learned about two scientists; Kepler and Copernicus who both had theories about how the Solar system was laid out. Kepler believed we were in the centre and Copernicus believed that the Sun was in the centre. This is correct and is called the heliocentric model!
In Geography, we learned about the lines of latitude and longitude. The lines of latitude are parallel and run horizontally. The lines of longitude run through the poles from top to bottom. We have these lines to locate places quicker. We also learned that the Prime Meridian runs through Greenwich in London which is where all the time zones are calculated from.
We also had a go at our brand new RE curriculum! It was really good because the pictures on the powerpoint were really good and helped us visualise! We got to see the Ancient City of Ur on google maps which was the birth place of Abraham. We also learned that Abraham was originally called Abram too! We talked about Abraham's journey to Canaan and we all loved thinking about what that journey would have been like over 3,000 years ago! Finally, we learned Abraham was a nomad- which means he travelled from place to place.
This afternoon, we have gardening and PE! We must remember our wellies next week!
See you next week!
Week beginning 2nd September 2024
A blog by the new St Teresa's Class
This week has been a short week! However, we have still managed to do loads of learning!
On Wednesday and Thursday afternoon, we did a special project about Stewardship. Firstly, we looked at quotes about Stewardship from previous Popes, and then we planned and wrote a speech to Pope Francis. Our speech was about what our school did to be Stewards of the Earth, what we did to be Stewards, why Stewardship is so important and what other people can do to be good Stewards.
Secondly, we used water colours to create a background about Psalms linked to Stewardship. This is something that we all really enjoyed!
Now we are in Year 5, we have added an extra place value column to our numbers by looking at 5 digit numbers! This means we are looking at ten thousands. We are finding this quite easy!
In English, we are looking at traditional tales. So far we have text marked the start of Alice in Wonderland and we have learned a Chinese version of Red Riding Hood! We are looking forward to seeing what traditional tales we look at next.
Today, it is really rainy and gloomy, but we are still going to do PE and Outdoor learning (albeit inside!)
Next week is our first full week back- see you then!