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Autumn Term 1 2024

Week commencing 9th September 2024

St Joseph’s class have truly exceeded my high expectations this week with their enthusiasm and remarkable creativity in our lessons and REACH time. The children have settled in brilliantly to year 1, showing great confidence in their activities and eagerness to participate.

During our day we have been undertaking continuous provision activities where children have wowed me with their enthusiasm for completing the challenges and earning lollipop sticks for their effort. Each week they will be challenged to complete all four tasks. It has been wonderful to see their aspiration and excitement as they strive to achieve their goals.

In our literacy lessons we have been learning about the story ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?’ and have been using actions to help us remember the different animals and colours. The children’s confidence in performing the actions and their enthusiasm for the story have made our learning experience even more enjoyable.

In our RE lessons this week, we have been learning about The Creed and made zigzag books to help us express what The Creed means to us. This has been a wonderful way for the children to connect with the values and beliefs it represents, allowing them to share their own interpretations and understand its significance in their lives.

Week commencing 23rd September 2024
The children have been doing exceptionally well this week as they continue to settle into Year 1, demonstrating remarkable resilience and adaptability during this significant transition from Reception. Their ability to support one another reflects a growing sense of empathy, while their aspirations are evident in their eagerness to tackle new challenges. With confidence blooming, they are not only meeting high expectations but also actively sharing their ideas and using their creativity to explore new concepts. It is inspiring to see how far they have come halfway through the term!
This week in outdoor learning, the children drew inspiration from Andy Goldsworthy to create their own sculptures, showcasing their independence and creativity. They embraced the challenge with enthusiasm and demonstrated great aspiration as they experimented with natural materials found around them. It was wonderful to see them express their artistic ideas and work collaboratively, truly embodying the spirit of exploration and imagination!
In one of our PE lessons this week, we were using our hand-eye coordination to bounce and roll balls to our partner through a gate. This activity really showcased the children's confidence and resilience as they practiced their skills, even when faced with challenges. We also took the time to discuss what others were doing well, which helped us learn from one another and created a supportive atmosphere where everyone felt encouraged to give their best effort.
Week commencing the 30th of September 2024
This week in Year 1, in our E-Bug session we have been focusing on how to take care of our teeth by exploring healthy and unhealthy foods. During our outdoor learning sessions, the children have been engaged in making bug homes, which has sparked their creativity. In maths, we have been concentrating on 2D shapes, and it's wonderful to see how well the students are grasping the properties of these shapes. In English, we've been learning about time connectives, including words like "next," "then," and "finally." I’m thrilled to report that they have been doing an excellent job completing our lollipop challenges for the week, showing great enthusiasm and teamwork!
In our outdoor learning session this week, we were building homes for bugs to live in. The children used their creativity to find materials to construct the homes and even discovered some bugs to put in them making sure we were being gentle when we handled them. It was a fantastic way for Year 1 to connect with nature and learn about the importance of providing safe habitats for these little creatures!
This week in geography, we were learning about maps and how to navigate them effectively. The children explored using the key to go from one place to another, discussing which roads we needed to take to reach our destinations. We also incorporated the north arrow into our lessons, helping us understand directions and how to orient ourselves on a map. It was exciting to see them actively engaging with the maps and developing their navigation skills!
Week beginning the 7th of October
This week, Year 1 has been incredibly busy preparing for harvest while also having lots of fun with various activities, including our lollipop challenges, surprise guests, PE, and learning about the creation story. Their confidence has grown as they tackle these challenges, and they are developing high aspirations and resilience in everything they do. It’s wonderful to see how well they are doing during our first term, showing high expectations for themselves and supporting each other along the way!
In RE, we've been learning about the creation story and had a fantastic experience acting it out to help us remember! We even performed it in front of the whole class in small groups, which helped us build our confidence. We also talked about how we can care for the planet that God created and wrote down specific ways we can help around our school. Mrs. Piper even came in to share what our Eco-council is already doing and helped us understand some things we can do to make a difference at our school!