The Sunday Times Top Primary Schools in UK 2023 We are delighted to have been awarded 7th best school in the South West Region and 138th Nationally.


Autumn 1 2024

Week commencing 9th September 2024

St Joseph’s class have truly exceeded my high expectations this week with their enthusiasm and remarkable creativity in our lessons and REACH time. The children have settled in brilliantly to year 1, showing great confidence in their activities and eagerness to participate.

During our day we have been undertaking continuous provision activities where children have wowed me with their enthusiasm for completing the challenges and earning lollipop sticks for their effort. Each week they will be challenged to complete all four tasks. It has been wonderful to see their aspiration and excitement as they strive to achieve their goals.

In our literacy lessons we have been learning about the story ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you see?’ and have been using actions to help us remember the different animals and colours. The children’s confidence in performing the actions and their enthusiasm for the story have made our learning experience even more enjoyable.

In our RE lessons this week, we have been learning about The Creed and made zigzag books to help us express what The Creed means to us. This has been a wonderful way for the children to connect with the values and beliefs it represents, allowing them to share their own interpretations and understand its significance in their lives.